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Monday, January 08, 2007


Sara is 6 weeks old today! In some ways, it's hard to believe it's been that long, and in some ways, it feels like twice as long. I certainly was unprepared for how difficult it would be! To be perfectly honest, the first 2 weeks were probably the toughest thing I've ever gone through, and there are still difficult days now and then. But it gets better and funner every day as Sara grows and becomes more like a baby. She's recently started making baby noises, the precursors to "baby talk." Her favorite place to lie and play is her changing table in the bathroom (why, I do not know -- maybe the fluorescent lights are warm??), and she'll lie there and look around, cooing at the lights and the mirror for a long time.

Another thing lately is that I've actually been able to put her down for naps. For the first few weeks I was having to hold her constantly, whether she was awake or asleep. However, Mom helped me figure out that if I'll put her on her belly (I know, the doctors say not to!), I can put her down when she's getting sleepy, and she'll sleep there for hours! This means I've actually gotten to cook dinner and do the dishes.

It's so amazing to watch her change and grow! This morning, she was giving me all kinds of smiles (and of course I got lots of pictures!). I'm looking forward to the next few months as her personality comes out more and more, and I get to know her better. I'm so grateful that the Lord enabled our family to let me stay home with her. I couldn't imagine passing her off to someone else every day.

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