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Monday, March 05, 2007


We're still searching for answers to Sara's feeding problem.  Jessica Ballinger suggested some tongue "exercises" that might help, but I just feel like I'm shooting in the dark!  The most frustrating part is just that we can't figure out the problem.  I was telling Mom the other day that I just feel so helpless because other moms at least have the peace of mind of knowing that their baby is full and happy.  I never know that.  Even when Sara isn't screaming, I can't be sure that she's actually full.  The fact remains that without supplementing, she still only gains about 2 oz / week.  (She should gain about 1/2 lb per week!)
I've been going to practice for a play that I'm in and leaving Sara at home with Zack.  It's been working out great!  My practice starts at 7:00, and so far, she's slept the entire time I've been gone.  Boy, he has it easy. :)

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